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Word of the Week: Akimbo

Dancer sitting with legs spread

Do you like eggs? Do you like corn? Then you’ll love eggcorns. Eggcorns are those common expressions that are frequently mispronounced, like ‘Doggy-Dog world’ (it’s dog-eat-dog, you numpty), ‘on tenderhooks’ (tenterhooks, whatever they are*) and ‘damp squid’ (squib, man, squib!).

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Word of the Week: Juggle

Juggling clown

So the Euros start today. And as we put on our winter coats and settle in for the latest ‘now or ever’ attempt by England, we should not overlook the fact that tomorrow happens to be World Juggling Day.

That’s right. There is a special day for juggling. Imagine having to organise that, along with all your other responsibilities!

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In Words

Word of the Week: Claptrap

Hands clapping

Election fever is in the air and all the buzzwords are out: Hogwash, Poppycock, Balderdash, Piffle, Claptrap… Fortunately, the English language has almost as many words for nonsense as it does for rain. I could go on.

OK, I will. Drivel, Bunkum, Twaddle, Baloney, Tripe, Rot, Flannel, plus a couple more involving bulls and balls.

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In Words

Word of the Week: Few

Spitfire flying

This year I made a New Year’s resolution to be more definite. Or maybe it was last year? I’m not sure. Anyway, the crux of it was to stop using words like ‘might’ and ‘quite’ that blur your meaning and leave everybody none the wiser, including yourself. “I might go to the shop.” “I quite like that. It’s quite good.” What use are such statements to anyone?


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Word of the Week: Cheers

Glasses clinking

After last week’s rant, I thought I owed it to you to write about something a bit more, well, cheerful. Not that the TfL problem has gone away, nor the Planning Department, nor Pep Guardiola, but the weather has (for the time being at least) and we can raise a glass to that.

But wait! Why do we do that? Why do we raise our glasses and clink them together and say “Cheers!” before drinking? I’ve been looking into it.


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Word of the Week: Scourge

In the morning, the first thing I do when I get out of bed is ride an exercise bike. I know what you’re thinking: “You? Exercise bike?” I know, I know. I used to mock the idea of a bike that didn’t go anywhere – and in my heart of hearts I still do – but this thing arrived in the house about a year ago and for most of that time has stood there virtually unused, like David Beckham’s piano.


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Word of the Week: Second

duelling pistols

By a slip of the finger I invented a new word this week: thirth. It’s actually spelt 3th, which is what I typed by mistake when I meant to type 13th. I meant to type 13th because April 13th was National Scrabble Day. But that’s by the by.


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Word of the Week: I

Finger painting a letter I

Last week I shared my excitement at learning that you can make a sentence using only the word ‘buffalo‘ eight times in a row. No sooner had I discovered that revelation than it was trumped by Radio 2 playing I Should Have Known Better by Jim Diamond, in which he proves that you can make a sentence using the word ‘I’ 10 times consecutively.


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