Word of the Week: Scourge
In the morning, the first thing I do when I get out of bed is ride an exercise bike. I know what you’re thinking: “You? Exercise bike?” I know, I know. I used to mock the idea [...]
Word of the Week: Memory
I had my annual appraisal this week. It’s always a rather uncomfortable process when you’re self-employed, and this year it was especially so as I decided to introduce upward appraisals, whereby [...]
Word of the Week: Stymie
I’ve been trying to be efficient this week. You know, tackle things straight away, before they start to become a burden. This morning, for example, I woke up all excited and keen to write [...]
Word of the Week: Racket
It’s that time of year when things rush up on you. “What, unlike the rest of the year?” I hear you ask somewhat sarcastically. OK, things are always rushing up on you, but at [...]